Dear Anne, when I think of my memories of you and times spent with you, and your family I remember so much fun, parties at the bus garage in oxford, night outs at the gladiators, dancing, music, southern comfort and rum!
You tolerated Michelle and I destroying your kitchen whilst attempting to make dinner before a night out. But you would get your revenge the following morning by waking us both up by vacuuming outside Michelle's room and kicking us out of bed at what we considered a ridiculously early time.
You spend goodness knows how many hours trying to remove to contents o a curry from my white Jean's and silk shirt. You succeeded!
I remember Sunday mornings walking around the market with you.
I am grateful for your kindness and good humour.
Sleep well Anne xx
25th July 2020
Thinking of you all at this sad time 💗💗
16th July 2020
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Anne.
We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by C.S. Boswell Funeral Service on 15/07/2020